Full Name Hoya carnosa ‘Holliana’ is the Accepted and Established name for a unique cultivar.
Synonyms C.M.Burton established Hoya ‘Divan’ as a synonym for ‘Holliana’ in 2002 when the name ‘Holliana’ was published, and this was reaffirmed as her opinion (but without publication this time) in her 2006 pdf only P.S.theHoyan volume 5(4). The name ‘Divan’ does not appear to be in use any longer and it has not yet been found published previously with description.
Originator Chuck Ebersole
Registrant Jodie Shumaker
Introducer Jodie Shumaker, longtime famous Florida nurseryman of Secret Garden Rare Plants, introduced Hoya carnosa ‘Holliana’ into the trade.
Name Background Named for Chuck’s daughter, in his and Jodie’s usual tradition.
New Information which was not a part of the initial establishment of this name includes the: Originator, introducer, registrant, and meaning behind the name. Much of its selection process remains unknown still.
First Established: C.M.Burton.2002.
Hoya carnosa cv.Holliana.The Hoyan. 23(3) cover & 43-44 cover sketch is the unusual nomenclatural type for this cultivar which was published and circulated widely.
(Volumes of The Hoyan shared within hoyacultivars.org are not for reprint, sale, or distribution and are for educational purposes only).
Description This is fascinating cultivar which is alike a “miniature” Hoya carnosa ‘Variegata’.
Brickell, C.D. & Alexander, C. & Cubey, Janet & David, John & Hoffmann, M.H.A. & Leslie, A.C. & Malécot, Valéry & Jin, Xiaobai. (2016). International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants.
Hatch, L. 2024. Houseplant Cultivars: Volume III.