Full Name & status Hoya ‘Chouke’ is the accepted name for a unique cultivar. It may also be written as Hoya carnosa ‘Chouke’, Hoya (carnosa x serpens) ‘Chouke’, or Hoya ‘Chouke’ (1*).
First published Author uncertain.(2003). A New Hybrid. Fraterna 16(1)12-14(2003) The description was just enough to meet the most important conditions of Article 27 in this publication.
Category Hoya ‘Chouke’ is a deduced hybrid between Hoya carnosa (f) x Hoya serpens (m). According to the establishing publication, the cross occurred in the summer of 1994 and was the result of an uncontrolled pollination in the outdoor garden of the originator. According to publication, only two seedlings ultimately survived and each were selected for release (see pod sibling ‘Mathilde’). The parentage of the cross has since been further ascertained through its progeny, but it is understood to be a hybrid primarily through its characteristics, the combination of which could not be possible without genetic material from the two species that were blooming nearby.
Originator Emilio Begine, Belgium.
Synonyms None.
Grower’s code ‘Chouke’ was given a grower’s code by the originator prior to naming and publication, which is BE24. BE=Begine, Emilio. This is not a part of the cultivar name, but is further background about its history.
Name background In honor of Emilio Begine’s wife. In his own words, cited from his article in Hoyatelegrafen nr 3,2005, “‘Chouke’ is the name I used for my wife until she died in 2002”.
Trade designations & legal status N/A
Updated Description:
Foliage and habit: Elliptic foliage (base and tip consistent); margin entire and occasionally sharp and rolled under (leaf is appx 1-2mm thick in live mature material). Color of the leaf is on average a moderate olive green (RHS 137 A-B). Delicate vines begin greyish olive green (RHS NN137) when young, becoming woody as they mature. The leaves are smaller in size than known variations and of the species of Hoya carnosa and larger than Hoya serpens at: 5cm length x 3cm width at maturity according to Wahlstöm, 2005; agreeing across live material. The cultivar grows with a pendant creeping habit more like the pollen parent, Hoya serpens (may sometimes twine). Very occasional white speckling (air-space variegation).
Inflorescence: Convex positively geotropic umbel. Approximately 15-20 individual flat inflorescences (Wahlström, 2005). The densely pubescent corollas are white-cream, usually with a light pink cast. The cultivar is more robust in appearance than Hoya serpens, in both bloom and foliage. The blooms exude an unusual fragrance which is also often reported in association with the pod sibling, as well as species like Hoya serpens, lyi, thomsonii . Fragrance is subjective and varies by observer. Compared to its pod sibling, Hoya ‘Chouke’ does not have such a dark red at the center of the corona, and to the naked eye the area around the stigmatic surface appears more medium pink to orange. The corolla is less blushed than ‘Mathilde’. (See Hoyatelegrafen nr.3 2005 p.13 for the first detailed print description and photographs of this cultivar).
The link to the 2003 publication in Fraterna is provided courtesy of archive.org so that you can read the initial establishing publication and download it first hand*. The unknown author, possibly Editor Dale Kloppenberg or maybe Ted Green who has the clear preceding byline, announces ‘A New Hybrid’ and shares the news that Begine has successfully bloomed, selected, and named his seedlings. Hoya ‘Chouke’ is more of an afterthought in this first publication, and is not photographed, but it is described as having “lighter foliage, more like H.carnosa in form, not size, and with less silvering on the leaves and a lighter colored flower center.” This description alongside the correct name form is enough to establish ‘Chouke’.
A most valuable secondary description, along with photographs, is found in this following publication by: Begine, E. & Hellström, B. & Wahlström,C. (2005). The Story of Mathilde and Chouke. Hoyatelegrafen. Nr 3, p.9-13. https://swedishhoyasociety.com/ The photographs of Hoya ‘Chouke’ (written there in the no longer used format cv. Chouke), are the first published photographic record of Hoya ‘Chouke’. Each is marked clearly and there is a comparison between Hoya serpens and the pod sibling Hoya ‘Mathilde’ (2).
Availability Twenty-one years after initial publication the cultivar is available on sales lists across the world where Hoya are sold, and is kept in many private collections.

Notes & Sources
*(1). As of now, the hybrid formula of Hoya carnosa (L.f.) R.Br. x Hoya serpens Hook.f. has not been established under the International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants.
Begine, E. & Hellström, B. & Wahlström,C. 2005 .The Story of Mathilde and Chouke. Hoyatelegrafen. Nr 3, p.9-13. https://swedishhoyasociety.com/
*(2). An annual subscription to the full color print journal can be obtained with an annual membership for 320 SEK (just under $32 USD). While the 2003 description in Fraterna meets the minimum conditions of Article 27, the 2005 Hoyatelegrafen serves as a most valuable reference for this cultivar as well as many others, and of course species. It is sent in both print and pdf for ease of translation into any language.
Brickell, C.D. & Alexander, C. & Cubey, Janet & David, John & Hoffmann, M.H.A. & Leslie, A.C. & Malécot, Valéry & Jin, Xiaobai. 2016. International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants.
Tellebo, C. 2010. Mina favoriter. Hoyatelegrafen. Nr 2, p.23
Turland, N. J., Wiersema, J. H., Barrie, F. R., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D. L., Herendeen, P. S., Knapp, S., Kusber, W.-H., Li, D.-Z., Marhold, K., May, T. W., McNeill, J., Monro, A. M., Prado, J., Price, M. J. & Smith, G. F. (eds.) 2018: International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Shenzhen Code) adopted by the Nineteenth International Botanical Congress Shenzhen, China, July 2017. Regnum Vegetabile 159. Glashütten: Koeltz Botanical Books. DOI https://doi.org/10.12705/Code.2018
Zhang, Jianhang & Zeng, Jin-Chu & Wang, Xiao & Chen, Shui-Fei & Albach, Dirk & Li, Hong-Qing. (2020). A revised classification of leaf variegation types. Flora. 272. 151703. 10.1016/j.flora.2020.151703.
2003. A New Hybrid. Fraterna. 16(1)12-13.archive.org/details/fraternaofficial1614
Color is described with reference to the Royal Horticultural Society 6th Edition Colour Chart (2019 Reprint).
Photos appearing here have been matched to the publication so that they may become part of the registration file and reference for Hoya ‘Chouke’.
From the ICRA & Registrar This was a bit long-winded for the registration of an already established cultivar. As always, contact me if there are any apparent errors, with questions, or to apply to register a new cultivar. Bringing this forward never happens all on my own. All of my thanks to Mark Randal and Stemma Journal for the support and ongoing publication of new and old cultivars. To the Svenska Hoyasällskapet/ Swedish Hoya Society for 30 years of consistent publications and great information, to Carin Wahlström for so much assistance with research and publications, and to Julie Kennedy for sharing photos and working so hard to preserve Hoya and their history.
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